Wednesday, June 9, 2010

our loving father II


have not yet figured out how to add music. sorry. any suggestion?

the next question the song puts is: who suspended the sky above? note, however, that this is the slovenian multisyllable translation, rendered back for you. the poet-pastor, who translated it for my wife reduced the lyrics into two stanzas, and had to chose from the images to use, picking those he could rhyme. so he took the earth, the sky and the stars.

the dynamic observed in the sky are, of course, ever changing clouds, sailing across the vast blue expanse. so it is self-evident that i used them. as you have probably noticed, i augmented the space for them a little bit. here i give you only a sample. the movement in the presentation is smooth, made up of 20 slides. but i have discovered now that the first four must go out, seeing that the number of beats to work with is 16.)

the other thing occurring in the sky is the light changing during the dawn and dusk. since the next act is the starry heavens, i prepared the way with the nightfall.

the clouds were scanned separately coloured in the same way and simply driven by. the black dots are impurities on the sheet of paper. the paint covers only the clean areas. and it never touches the line made by a marker, because, scratching the paper sprinkles small quantities of ink and the precise electronic readers detect them and leave them uncoloured. anyway, i find it artistic.

what about you? and, do you consider the representation of the changes in the colours of the twilight persuasive?

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well, there is something you can say, i am sure.